1. What do you see as the most pressing climate and biodiversity issue/s facing Basingstoke and Deane at present?
I see the most pressing needs are :- – Bringing people with us in understanding that the climate crisis is already here and that communities and individuals actions matter, local Councils should make all operational, planning and policy decisions with this as their prime guide. – Take action to mitigate the impact of climate change on the Town and Population – we are already seeing changes in weather patterns – Conserving what we having working with farmers, land owners, developers, charities, businesses and communities.
2. If you had the authority of the Council Leader, what would you do to urgently address any such problems you perceive?
Develop and implement joined up plans to address the priorities I have mentioned above, using examples of best practice and advice from experts
3. In the absence of being Council Leader, in which way would you seek to apply pressure to the local decision-makers?
Hold local, county and national governments to the existing regulations that defend our environment and fight against erosion of these. I would like to see a campaign that would capture people’s imagination, for example plant a tree per resident approx 167000 which across 633.8 square km’s would be doable in partnership with Woodland Trust and Government schemes.
I hope this answers your points and I hope BTN and Labour can be seen to be in agreement on the need for urgent action on these matters