POLLUTION (The human race pollute nearly anything and everything.) In Tadley we do have a build up of air pollution on the A340 in the area between the Police Station and the traffic lights at Franklin Avenue ,and worse sill around School entrances at dropping off and picking up times , more especially when the air is still. To reduce air pollution of this kind will take encouragement and intervention from government to further emission reduction this of course would be long term strategy. Electric cars are now for sale and expensive .I must say I have had a diesel 1.6 for the past 2 years and will be changing it in the summer . ENERGY I have objected and voted against the Conservative . Policy on the Hampshire County Council of no wind farms on on council owed land, and are they are against the the building of wind farms on the bases that that don't function to supply constant power supply .This is just an excuse not to have them . All suitable council buildings should have solar panels on roofs Tadley Town Council benefits these on our buildings , and Heath End Village Hall . There should be more wind farms on land, and off the coast . Tidal systems are long overdue Swansea Bay, and the Severn estuary come to mind . On nuclear the French owed reactors in the U.K. make a profit for them yet the ones in France make a loss .It does not take much to work that one out! At the moment they are use to meet peak demands . On a personal view I find it hard that people object to off shore wind farms when they look out to sea at giant oil tankers flushing their tanks out ! or worse the risk off get getting wrecked .