What do you see as the most pressing climate and biodiversity issue facing Basingstoke & Deane at present?
The sewage network and treatment works should have sufficient capacity to prevent
discharge of raw sewage into rivers and streams.
Ancient woodland should be preserved. Existing trees should be retained and new planting and hedges should be encouraged.
heating should be used. All new homes should be capable of having solar panels fitted and they should fitted as standard. Roofs should be oriented to maximise solar capture. Office blocks, warehouses and public building should be required to install solar panels. Where car parks should be covered with awnings integrating solar panels.
If you had the authority of the council leader what would you do to urgently address any such problems you perceive?
Promote a programme of home insulation and double/triple glazing. Provide an incentive for installation of solar panels.
Prevent unnecessary felling of trees.
Limit housing numbers in the Local Plan to those needed by the existing population and businesses.
To minimise travel; where development is in remote locations it requires schools, medical facilities – surgeries and dentists, local employment, cafes/pubs, retail stores, sewage treatment provision, high speed broadband, sufficient electrical capacity to support charging of EVs, cooking and supplementary heating where air or ground source heating is insufficient, mobile phone capacity including 5G. The power source must be reliable for these reasons and because of increasing home automation. This is particularly important for an aging population and people with health conditions that require special equipment at home or remote monitoring. For all these reasons and preservation of green field sites development in remote locations should be discouraged.
In the absence of being council leader, in which way would you seek to apply pressure on the local decision-makers?