2022 Local Election Candidate – Kerry Morrow, Tadley North, Baughurst and Kingsclere


Currently, in Basingstoke and Deane we are cutting public transport, reducing recycling sites and preparing to build a vast number of homes; three things that will further the climate and biodiversity crisis. I see the biggest threat is not incentivising our housing developers to get on board with carbon zero, well insulated homes that we need. Another huge concern is how stretched our sewage works are and the sewage killing our rivers.


With the authority of a Council Leader, I would reverse the decline in recycling sites, push for more and clean public transport and make energy efficiency the top criteria for housing development. I would empower local sustainability groups and environmental groups. A priority would be to maintain natural wildlife corridors linking our areas of outstanding natural beauty. I’d protect ancient woodlands and push to maximise the wildlife habitat alongside new homes.


I would apply pressure by presenting the facts and comparing Basingstoke and Deane to the top councils who are leading the way. I will push for actions not just words. The climate and biodiversity crisis is too often the last thing on the agenda, when it is the greatest threat.