1. What do you see as the most pressing climate and biodiversity issue/s facing
Basingstoke and Deane at present?
Living in the town centre, I think traffic pollution is a key issue. The more we can do
to encourage clean transport the better.
I do not really understand why we are only able to recycle so few types of plastic in
our doorstep collections and I would like to press Hampshire County Council on this.
For the borough, I think that plans to build houses next to our chalk stream
environments are the most shocking thing that I have seen in the draft local plan.
Even if we defend these unique environments from development, we still have to
tackle the discharge of wastewater into our rivers.
2. If you had the authority of the Council Leader, what would you do to urgently
address any such problems you perceive?
Plans to convert parts of The Malls and Festival Place into 1800 flats can only be
considered if accompanied by a proper allocation of green space and transport
options that support healthy living.
I would immediately seek to rule the chalk stream areas out of the draft local plan
and seek future environmental protection under the appropriate open
spaces/AONB/nature reserve designation.
3. In the absence of being Council Leader, in which way would you seek to apply
pressure on the local decision-makers?
I would use my role as Councillor to discuss ways of pointing out alternative
solutions, and remind members of their responsibilities, particularly the Council’s
declared climate and ecological emergencies.
Obviously local democracy is setup so that everyone has a local voice and we will
inevitably face some difficult decisions, living in a densely populated part of the
globe, but I will do my best to protect green spaces and improve our local