Spring is in the air, and Basingstoke is coming alive. Next saturday, gatherings of people all around the world will be celebrating Earth Hour – 60 minutes from 8.30pm to 9.30pm when lightbulbs will be dimmed, electrical appliances switched off, and time will be set aside to think about how we can take action on climate change, together.
To celebrate Earth Hour 2013, the Smart Future Centre team is inviting people from all over the Basingstoke area to switch off together with good food and good company. Bring a friendly smile and a dish to share with your neighbours for the ‘Do It In the Dark’ Pot Luck Supper.
Starting at 7pm, a full evenings worth of activity is planned, including live acoustic music from Simon Roberts, ‘I Will If You Will’ pledges, and plenty of great raffle prizes to be won. Stick around after the food has been eaten to socialise and see the night out, if the fancy takes you.
This event will be part of a global phenomenon and promises to be an enlightening and fun filled evening of food, drink, entertainment and community. It’s only £1 to get involved, so please share with friends and family and let’s make this event a cracker!
To confirm your attendance or contact the organisers, email info@smartfuturecentre.com.