NEW! 6th Jan 2018: We have started an online petition addressed to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s Environment portfolio holder, stating that “We want cleaner air in Basingstoke”. Link to petition is here.
We are aiming to have a presence at the next meeting of the Council’s Community, Environment and Partnerships Committee, on Wed 17th January 2018 at 6.30 pm – link to agenda page.

Sept 2017: Over the last few months BTN has been producing a report on the high levels of air pollution that exists in our town. In some parts of the town air pollution is already at illegal levels.
Along with Friends of the Earth we installed 14 air quality monitors all around the Town. The results confirmed what the Council has already found – that in key areas air pollution is above legal levels.

The Gazette has already reported on it. See their report here. We have produced a report of our findings. Our full report is here.
Overall we found 9 sites across Basingstoke where air quality levels might be below the legal limit. Whilst our results are not conclusive they do show that we, like other growing towns, have an air quality problem.
These are the results. The sites in red and orange are above legal limits for air pollution.
As part of Basingstoke Green Week we will be hosting a public meeting on air quality and what can be done about it. We and FoE will be there. We have invited local politicians to be there as well. The meeting will be on Thursday 21st Sept at Brookvale Hall 7pm.