Green Week programme (final)!

15489GreenWeekProgrammeProof9 Here it is!  The programme for the 2015 Basingstoke Green Week – click, plan and enjoy! See you all there!  And remember we need volunteers on Saturday 19th September in Festival Place to set up and mind stalls – just come along, the earlier the better (8 am would be great!).  And if you… Continue reading Green Week programme (final)!

Hampshire County Council priorities for cuts

The following came from WinACC: Please reply to Hampshire County Council consultation about priorities for cuts. See before 6 July 2015 The ‘Shaping Hampshire – Spending Review Consultation’ asks how the County Council could find £98m from April 2016 onwards. I suggest that all HCAN members should reply, and encourage their groups to reply, telling the Council that… Continue reading Hampshire County Council priorities for cuts

Borough Cycling Consultation 3 June

3rd June 2015, Carnival Hall, Council Road RG21 3DH 3-7 pm – Drop-in Consultation on future of cycling in Basingstoke and Deane Borough – in conjunction with SusTrans.  

Cycle Basingstoke – new group supporting cycling in the Borough

BTN welcomes the formation of “Cycle Basingstoke”, a new voluntary group promoting cycling in Basingstoke and surrounding areas.  It is already making input into plans for access to the new Critical Care Unit, and the redevelopment of the Brighton Hill roundabout.  Website at

Climate Coalition and the Low Carbon Communities Network Big Conference

28th to 29th March in London Climate Change: New directions for local action The Climate Coalition (CC) and the Low Carbon Communities Network (LCCN) are to hold a major conference in London over the weekend of March 28 / 29th 2015. This will bring together people from local action groups across the UK with national… Continue reading Climate Coalition and the Low Carbon Communities Network Big Conference

Green Week update

Our plans for Green Week are advancing fast.  We want to build on our highly successful publicity and sales stalls in Castle Square in 2014 by moving to Festival Place and maybe having a popup shop.  If you want to be in on this exciting opportunity in Basingstoke’s most popular attraction, come and join us… Continue reading Green Week update

Cycling activities and workshops

The new year starts out with good news for cyclists and would-be cyclists from My Journey Hampshire which is that they have organised “pedal2gether” rides, workshops for cycle maintenance and some drop-in “bike doctor” sessions at Popley Community Centre.  See flyer here 97683BasingstokeBikeHubA5-2ppHi61f. They are even offering free fitted bike lights, in January and subject… Continue reading Cycling activities and workshops

Christmas with the Local Plan

Basingstoke Transition Network wishes you a happy Christmas 2014 and a new year 2015 full of fulfilled good resolutions! Some of our brave members and friends went to the 11th December meeting between Basingstoke Council members and the Local Plan Inspector, Mike Fox (appointed by the Secretary of State).  Three spoke and pushed our points:… Continue reading Christmas with the Local Plan

Green Week 2015

Good news – BTN and partners Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council and other groups will be holding another Green Week in 2015, because this year’s was so successful.  Dates: 19th to 27th September 2015. Do you or does your organisation want to take part?  Let us know: And we are looking for a volunteer… Continue reading Green Week 2015