Watch the hustings (here or on YouTube) and find our how the candidates answered the questions put to them.
The next three years are the most critical 3 years in modern times. The Climate Emergency, post-COVID, is the key election issue.
The first council elections for 2 years are upon us. And, on May 6th, we will choose who will be in power for the next 3 years. These will be the three most important years in responding to the climate emergency. This is our last chance to elect people who can respond. Making changes in 2024 will be too late.
We need to be carbon neutral by 2030. And that means the decisions our Council make in the next 3 years will determine if the response is adequate.
Our two local councils – Basingstoke and Deane and Hampshire County Council – make key decisions on things like:
- How many, and how energy efficient, our new homes and buildings will be.
- Our transport policy and whether we tackle the immense environmental damage our transport system is doing to our air quality.
- How we effectively manage waste and recycling.
- How much we invest in renewable technology.
- Whether we lead, or lag, in creating the green jobs of the future.
- How we are going to protect and nurture our land and water resources.
The people we elect on May 6th will determine whether Basingstoke and Deane tackles the climate emergency or falls victim to it.
To help us all decide on who should be making these decisions, and who we should vote for, Basingstoke Transition Network (BTN) has invited all of the major party groupings standing locally in these elections to provide a representative to participate in an online question and answer session.