Hampshire Climate Action Network campaigns April 2021

Southampton Airport runway extension – this was approved by Eastleigh Borough Council, and we are asking for the Secretary of state for Communities and Local Government to call the plan in. Please email the Secretary of State asking that
he call-in, for the above reasons. Email to:
pcu@communities.gov.uk, robert.jenrick.mp@parliament.uk; Tom.Kennedy@comm
unities.gov.uk with subject as: “Request for call in of Southampton Airport
runway extension Eastleigh Borough Council reference F/19/86707″. If you’re a
member of a group, your group can also do this.
For more info please see and share http://axosouthampton.wordpress.com

Winchester Action on Climate Change and others have formed a Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill Alliance, which
put up a banner in the grounds of Winchester Cathedral and got good publicity.
The Alliance made a film explaining aspects of the Bill  see link

Impact Tool from CSE which gives estimates of carbon
emissions for each parish across the country and is easy to use. It provides a
Territorial Footprint and a Consumption Footprint. It needs to be looked at with
some local knowledge as explained in the video below. It can be used to help
inform debate, and to prioritise effective actions to reduce carbon dioxide.  Follow this link

Video explaining how to use the Impact Tool

HCC has commissioned New Economics Foundation to produce A Green Economic Recovery (link)
Lead officer Chitra Nadarajah will speak about this at the Expert Forum
on 8 June.

Bus Back Better

The Department for Transport published Bus Back Better.   Transport
authorities have to come up with a plan to improve bus services or lose their
subsidies. HCC is our transport authority so we need to put pressure on county
councillors to make sure they create a good plan.

CPRE have a petition on improving bus services and have calculated that for the
current roadbuilding budget, every rural community could be served with an hourly
bus service.
