Mon 21st May – “Air Pollution, Particulates and Health”

“Air Pollution, Particulates and Health” is the title of a talk to be given to Basingstoke Café Scientifique by Dr Matthew Loxham, a Fellow in Respiratory Biology and Air Pollution Toxicology at the University of Southampton.

He is coming to talk to us on Monday 21st May at the Tea Bar, London Street, Basingstoke 7.30 pm.  This is the latest CafeSci/BTN collaboration to bring you talks relevant to a sustainable future in Basingstoke.  BTN has invited local Councillors to attend this meeting to get useful background information for the Local Plan, Manydown and Horizon 2050 (three local planning projects on which BTN has engaged with the Council).

BTN will have a social meeting at 6.30 pm at the back of the Tea Bar (underneath the big TV screen).  Look out for us there!

CafeSci information is on its Meetup page at