BTN encourages its followers and everyone who is concerned about air pollution and the environment in Basingstoke to come to the hustings being organised by Basingstoke Clean Air Campaign, at Christ Church, Chineham (RG24 8LT) at 7 for 7.30 pm on Tuesday 23rd April 2019.
Labour and Lib-Dem Councillors have accepted the invitation to attend, and we are in conversation with representatives of the Conservative and Green parties. We have asked the representatives to give answers to the following questions:
- What steps would you take locally as a councillor to reduce pollution? (AIR POLLUTION)
- How will you engage with the public and local business to reduce pollution and increase renewable energy production? (RENEWABLE ENERGY)
- We have just 11 years before climate change damage becomes irreversibly catastrophic according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. How will you achieve this? (CLIMATE CHANGE)
- What will you do to ensure that Basingstoke’s existing green spaces are maintained to protect local biodiversity. (BIODIVERSITY & GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE)
- What will you do to make sure that all future planning developments limit insofar as possible the damage to the biosphere. (SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT)
- What steps will you take to ensure we meet the goals of the Horizon 2050 in relation to generating all of the borough’s energy needs and consuming all the waste that we create. (RECYCLING)
- How do we build a “future-proof” transport infrastructure system fit for purpose for Basingstoke that meets the needs of the people of Basingstoke and taking into consideration environmental concerns. (TRANSPORT)
- What would you do to implement changes in order to improve the water quality of the River Loddon? (WATER POLLUTION)
Do come along; and if your local Council candidate comes to your doorstep before the elections on 2nd May, please ask them these questions, and send comments to BCAC on its Facebook page at